Nov 15, 2023: Appeared on the Public Power Underground podcast to discuss spot price formation.
Jan 27, 2023: Appeared on the Public Power Underground podcast to discuss resource adequacy.
Nov 11, 2022: Presented on Markets for Zero-Carbon Power in the INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group webinar series.
July 29, 2022: Appeared on the Energy Unplugged podcast to discuss energy modeling and market design.
May 19, 2022: Appeared on the Public Power Underground podcast to discuss resource adequacy and market design.
April 22, 2021: Presented on Efficient Prices under Uncertainty and Non-Convexity in the INFORMS/ENRE Online Scientific Event Series.
January 26, 2021: Presented on Capacity Markets and the Energy Transition in the Power Systems Engineering Research Center webinar series.
June 9, 2020: Participated in the 2020 Meteorology & Market Design Workshop organized by the Energy Systems Integration Group.
March 31, 2020: Participated in the Electricity Roundtable: Exploring Future Market Design in Alberta hosted by The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary.
May 3, 2019: Appeared on the CleanLaw Podcast to discuss capacity markets.
March 21, 2019: Presented on Asymmetric Risk and Fuel Neutrality in Capacity Markets at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK.
February 8, 2022: Texas power crisis revealed flaw in market’s design, by James Dean (Cornell Chronicle)
November 1, 2019: Capacity markets a barrier to cutting emissions, research paper argues, by Michael Mazengarb (Renew Economy)
October 28, 2019: To rid electric grid of carbon, shore up green energy support, by Blaine Friedlander (Cornell Chronicle)
May 22, 2019: This federal agency is quietly, profoundly shaping climate policy, by David Roberts (Vox)